Monday, June 4, 2012

Of Canada, Facebook, and Bears escalating war on society.

A few words about Canada, Faceook, and Bears.

Last year, I wrote a bit about Facebook evidence, and new Maryland Court of Appeals standards for using social media evidence.  Here's something of interest from a personal injury lawyer, in Canada, about use of Facebook evidence in Canada.

And the bears in Canada don't give a hoot about Facebook, or lawyers, and will attack anyone, even a guy chilling in his hot tub.
UPDATED: August 27, 2012--And it just gets worse!  This poor slob was hiking in the Denali State Park, in Alaska, when he was mauled to death by a grizzly.  The horror! it is reported that he snapped photos of the bear just eight minutes before the attack. And how about this 2000 item, describing how "this was not an attack, the bear ate him."
UPDATED: October 5, 2012-- Tech Saavy black bear snatches iPad from picnic site. And feeding bears will lead to their execution by the authorities in New York , Montana, and in Connecticut. In Florida, the bears are commiting suicide by cop! And don't forget to the annual "Virginia Harvest!"
UPDATED: October 8, 2012-- Black Bears stake their claim to the lobby of a New Mexico ski resort, seeking something tender to chew!
UPDATED: October 13, 2012-- Bears are now interfering with our children's education by blocking test booklet access!
UPDATE: October 16, 2012- Alaskan man half-eaten by bear.  Chilling. And in Canada (it gets back to our neighbors) a murderer's corpse was dragged out of a car and eaten by a bear (shades of Dexter?) Vigilante bears?