Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Maryland lawsuits can be a whale of a problem

A contract is a collection of promises. When a promise is broken, it may require court action to get the remedies you seek. We can help!

Monday, July 10, 2017

AVVO is not a safe place to describe your alleged crime!

We ask all of our clients to avoid posting details about their alleged crimes on ANY social media site. The internet is completely open to the public, and that includes the prosecutors seeking to put you in jail-- They read everything.

Below is an AVVO posting that appeared on July 8, 2017. This person is shocked that his AVVO questions made it to the criminal file maintained by the prosecutor's office. And if he admitted to bad things in those on-line postings, or perhaps shared details of the alleged crime not generally known to others, then evidence of the posting may well lead to his conviction.

The only safe place to be completely open about criminal accusations is within the sanctity of the attorney-client relationship. But if you have already disclosed details of the alleged crime on the internet before we establish an attorney-client relationship, you may have done great damage to your potential defenses.

My avvo questions and answers have made it to my criminal discovery in my robbery case
Location: Washington, DC
how did they make it there? can they be used against me? there are some ip logs from my internet service providers and a return of service there. what does that mean?